Circuit Clerk & Ex-Officio Recorder
Circuit Clerk & Ex-Officio Recorder
Sharon Blount-Baker
Sharon Blount-Baker

Circuit Clerk Sharon Blount-Baker
P.O. Box 608
317 Main Street
Van Buren, Arkansas 72957
: 479-474-1821
: 479-471-0622 (fax)
: [email protected]
Mission Statement
To secure, preserve and make available recording and court records, upholding the highest standards of integrity as public servants, maximizing the use of technology and electronic services, while providing the utmost accurate, professional and efficient service to our community.Vision Statement
The Crawford County Circuit Clerks Office strives to be a technologically advanced organization focusing on delivering outstanding customer and employee satisfaction in every aspect of our operations.We take pride in working as a team, and pledge to:
- Perform our duties with courtesy, respect, equality and fairness, in an accurate and knowledgeable fashion;
- Strive to improve the quality of our services, thereby promoting public trust and confidence; and
- Encourage education and pursue training programs to adapt to the growing needs of our community.
Who We Are And Our Duties
The Circuit Clerk is the clerk of the Circuit and Juvenile Courts and acts as the ex-officio recorder of Crawford County.Administrative duties of the Circuit Clerk are to maintain a record of all proceedings of the Circuit Courts and to prepare the dockets for these Courts. The Circuit Clerk issues summons, warrants, subpoenas and writs authorized by the Circuit Court for delivery by the Crawford County Sheriff. The Clerk also maintains a file of all cases pending with the Circuit Court, as well as a record of all past court cases and their depositions.
The Circuit Clerk is also the Ex-Officio county recorder; and is responsible for recording deeds, mortgages, liens, and surety bonds, and many other orders and instruments which involve property within the county. The Circuit Clerk maintains a record of many miscellaneous items, and files certain licenses. The Circuit Clerk also swears in notaries public.
Criminal Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Criminal Division of Circuit Court. A court action is initiated in criminal court by the filing of an Information by the Prosecuting Attorney. The Information is a formal accusation of crime. The Information must be accompanied by an Affidavit showing cause for the issuance of the Information and/or a bench warrant. A cause of action may also be initiated by a Grand Jury indictment or may be filed as an appeal from an inferior court (i.e. district court).
Criminal records may be accessed at any time at
Criminal records may be accessed at any time at
Civil Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Civil Division of Circuit Court. In the Civil Division a court action is initiated by the filing of a complaint/petition by the Plaintiff. A case may also be initiated by an appeal from a lower court (i.e. small claims). Examples of the specific types of cases filed in the Civil Division are: Negligence, Bad Faith, Fraud, Malpractice, Product Liability, Contract issues, Foreclosures, Quiet Title, Injunction, Partition, Condemnation, Replevin, Declaratory Judgment, Unlawful Detainer, Incorporations, Election disputes, Foreign Judgments, Administrative Appeals, Property Forfeitures, Removal of Disabilities and Name Changes.
Civil Court Coversheet
Civil records may be accessed at any time at
Civil Court Coversheet
Civil records may be accessed at any time at
Domestic Relations Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Domestic Relations Division of Circuit Court. In the Domestic Relations Division, cases are initiated by the filing of a complaint/petition by the Plaintiff. A case may also be initiated by a transfer from another jurisdiction. Types of Domestic Relations cases are: Divorce, Annulment, Separate Maintenance, Custody/Visitation, Child Support, Paternity, Domestic Abuse, Contempt and Body Attachments.
Domestic Relations Cover Sheet
Confidential Cover Sheet
Standing Orders
Domestic records may be accessed at any time at
Domestic Relations Cover Sheet
Confidential Cover Sheet
Standing Orders
Domestic records may be accessed at any time at
Child Support Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Registry of the Court. Duties include keeping a record of child support and alimony payments ordered by the Court to be paid through the Registry. We do not handle payments that have been ordered by the Court to be paid through wage withholding. Payments made by wage withholding are handled by the Arkansas Child Support Clearinghouse. Questions regarding payments made though wage withholding should be directed to the Clearinghouse. The telephone number for the Clearinghouse is 1-866-428-8382 or you may contact the local Child Support Enforcement office at 479-471-8855.
Juvenile Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Juvenile Division of the Circuit Court. Juvenile records are not open to the public. Records may only be accessed by the attorneys of record or by governmental agencies involved in the case.
In the Juvenile Division, proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the Circuit Clerk’s Office or by a transfer from another court. There are two basic types of Juvenile cases: family in need of services and dependency-neglect.
In the Juvenile Division, proceedings shall be commenced by the filing of a petition with the Circuit Clerk’s Office or by a transfer from another court. There are two basic types of Juvenile cases: family in need of services and dependency-neglect.
Probate Division
The Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Office maintains the records for the Probate Division of the Circuit Court. As clerk of the probate court, the clerk files all instruments making them a matter of record in decedent estate cases and affidavit of small estates.
The probate division also maintains all records for adoptions and guardianship cases within the county. Adoption records are not open to the public.
Probate Cover Sheet
Official Forms for Probate
The probate division also maintains all records for adoptions and guardianship cases within the county. Adoption records are not open to the public.
Probate Cover Sheet
Official Forms for Probate
Filing Fees
For initiating a cause of action in Circuit Court or an appeal from an inferior court.Foreign Judgments must be authenticated. (A cover sheet must accompany all cases (when either opening or closing a case.) Confidential form 35 must accompany all decrees involving children and must be completely filled out. This form will not be open for public inspection.)
$165.00 $50.00
(re-opening of court case)
(re-opening of court case)
If any cause of action in Circuit Court becomes unusually lengthy additional fees may be assessed for each additional filing in accordance with the schedule of fees.
Issuance of writs of garnishments/execution (must be prepared by requesting attorney/party.)
Signature/seal of summons/subpoenas courtesy of three (3) summonses for each new case. The summons/subpoenas must be prepared by requesting party.
Signature/seal of summons/subpoenas courtesy of three (3) summonses for each new case. The summons/subpoenas must be prepared by requesting party.
Each Additional: $2.50
Each Additional: $2.50
Recording fees for land records (including Lis Pendens)
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
Notary Bonds:
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
Plats & surveys must have required number of copies. Plats 5, Surveys 4.
Measurements 8.5” X 14” or smaller:
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
Measurements Exceeding 8.5” X 14”:
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
Material man’s Lien and Certificate of Assess.
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
Foreign Judgments must be cert. within state:
$15.00 ( $5.00 each additonal)
UCC Filing and Termination
Partial UCC Release, Continuation, Amendments
UCC Search (per name)
First copy:
Per page after first copy
Copies mailed/faxed in/out (must be paid in advance) per page:
Copies in office per page:
Recording Standards
Ark Code 14-15-402
(b) (1) To be accepted by the county recorder for recording purposes, all documents shall:
- (A) Be on eight and one-half by eleven inch (81/2"x11") paper;
- (B) Have a two and one-half inch (2.5") margin at the right top of the first page, one-half inch (0.5") margin on the sides and bottoms of all pages, and a two and one-half inch (2.5") margin at the bottom of the last page;
- (C) Have an area reserved on the top right of the first page for the file mark of the recorder;
(D) Contain the following information:
- (i) The title of the document; and
- (ii) The name of the grantor and grantee, when applicable;
- (E) Be acknowledged or otherwise executed as permitted by § 16-47-107 or § 18-12-208; and
(F) Be legible.
(2) (A) The county recorder shall have the discretion to waive the requirements of subdivision (b)(1) of this section for:
- (i) Good cause; and
(ii) Any document that complies with the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act, § 14-2-301 et seq.
- (B) All documents and instruments executed before January 1, 2004, shall be exempt from the requirements of subdivision (b)(1) of this section.
- (C) All surveys and plats shall be exempt from the requirements of subdivision (b)(1) of this section.
- (3) A county recorder shall not refuse to record a document that has been executed in a manner permitted by § 16-47-107 or § 18-12-208.
(2) (A) The county recorder shall have the discretion to waive the requirements of subdivision (b)(1) of this section for:
If your original document does not meet the above standards, the recorder may waive the requirements for good cause and record your document for an additional $25.00. Said fee is in addition to the regular recording fees.
All deeds must have the following affidavit signed: “I certify under penalty of false swearing that documentary stamps or a documentary symbol in the legally correct amount has been placed on this instrument.”
All deeds must have the address for the tax statement or the document will be returned.
We find that legal descriptions that have been faxed and then taped onto the document are not legible when reproduced. Legal descriptions that have been reduced to "fit" into the document are many times illegible. Try having those descriptions e-mailed. Or if you are sending it by fax to have it signed and then mailed, try making it an attachment on e-mail. Any font less than eleven (11) could cause the document to be illegible as well. A personal request is that you do not fold your documents when mailing to this office but instead mail them in large envelopes. The creases that are made when folding can result in blacked out lines across the document when scanned. This sometimes falls across the land description or the names of the parties, which is necessary information for proper indexing purposes. Non-textured 20 lb. bond paper is preferred for best scanning results. Enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of documents. If your original document does not meet the above standards in allowing space for the File mark, you may add a cover sheet. Additional charges will apply. Cover sheet must have a top margin of 2 1/2". List the type of document, grantor(s) and grantee(s) in the middle of the document. (Example: Death Certificate)
Re-recordings: This office is not re-recording instruments unless pre-approved. Especially under the new guidelines, it makes it difficult to re-record as once the 2 ½" margins have been filled; there is no more space available to put our recording information. If it is necessary to re-record, you may be required to add a cover page to your document with the information as to why it is being re-recorded and allowing additional space for the file mark as well as Certificate of Record at the end of the document. Certificate of Record printed on your forms is no longer needed as our office upon recording now prints it. Make sure that all deeds have the following affidavit signed: "I certify under penalty of false swearing that the legally correct amount of documentary stamps have been placed on this instrument." Any variation from this statement will result in the return of the document without recording. No exceptions.
Recording Fees
Our costs are listed below. For the return of your recorded instrument or file-marked copies, WE REQUEST THAT YOU SEND A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE.
If your original document does not meet the above standards, the recorder may waive the requirements for good cause and record your document for an additional $25.00. Said fee is in addition to the regular recording fees.
All deeds must have the following affidavit signed: “I certify under penalty of false swearing that documentary stamps or a documentary symbol in the legally correct amount has been placed on this instrument.”
All deeds must have the address for the tax statement or the document will be returned.
A personal request is that you do not fold your documents when mailing them to this office but that instead you mail them in a large envelope. The creases made when folding can result in black lines across the document when scanned. Non-textured 20 lb. bond paper is preferred for scanning.
Plus $5.00 per ea additional page
Recording fees for land records (including Lis Pendens, plats, surveys, notary bonds, in-State foreign judgments (must be certified), materialman’s liens)SEE REQUIREMENTS BELOW
For mortgage assignments, mortgage releases, and other instruments are listed in a single document, an additional fee of fifteen ($15.00) per instrument listed not to exceed three hundred ($300) shall be charged.
For mortgage assignments, mortgage releases, and other instruments are listed in a single document, an additional fee of fifteen ($15.00) per instrument listed not to exceed three hundred ($300) shall be charged.
1st Page $15.00
Each additional $5.00
Each additional $5.00
UCC search (per name)
First Copy
Each page thereafter
If your original document does not meet the above standards, the recorder may waive the requirements for good cause and record your document for an additional $25.00. Said fee is in addition to the regular recording fees.
All deeds must have the following affidavit signed: “I certify under penalty of false swearing that documentary stamps or a documentary symbol in the legally correct amount has been placed on this instrument.”
All deeds must have the address for the tax statement or the document will be returned.
A personal request is that you do not fold your documents when mailing them to this office but that instead you mail them in a large envelope. The creases made when folding can result in black lines across the document when scanned. Non-textured 20 lb. bond paper is preferred for scanning.
Cost For Recording A Document
1 pg $15.00
2 pg $20.00
3 pg $25.00
4 pg $30.00
5 pg $35.00
6 pg $40.00
7 pg $45.00
8 pg $50.00
9 pg $55.00
10 pg $60.00
11 pg $65.00
12 pg $70.00
13 pg $75.00
14 pg $80.00
15 pg $85.00
16 pg $90.00
17 pg $95.00
18 pg $100.00
19 pg $105.00
20 pg $110.00
Important Links
- Arkansas Attorney General
- Arkansas Secretary of State
- Arkansas Land Commissioner
- Administrative Office of the Courts
- Crawford County Circuit Clerk’s Land Records
- Arkansas Legal Services
Forms and information for an uncontested divorce without children. - Administrative Orders of the Court
- Arkansas Farmer/Creditor Mediation Program 2-7-302